I was at the shelter seeking a companion cat back in late February of 2004 when I saw Valentine out of the corner of my eye, alone in the corner. She was so thin and her fur was brittle and falling out in clumps. She also had a terrible eye infection in one eye and marks from where a collar had grown way too tight for her neck. The shelter director, Carole, explained that poor Valentine had been found Feb. 14, hiding in a ditch, cold, hungry and dirty. Despite being in such bad shape, she didn't mind being picked up and sat comfortably in my arms. Valentine came home with me that week, and soon her eye infection healed and she began putting on weight. After about a month, her fur became soft and fluffy, with a beautiful luster. A year later, Valentine has grown from being a shy girl to a wonderfully effusive and affectionate cat who is always up for a game and likes to follow me around the house. In this photo she sits in her favorite spot on top of the television, where she often snoozes or looks out the window at the birds and squirrels. A big THANK YOU to Animals in Distress for bringing Valentine into my life. =^..^=
~ Donna Bertoli
Editor, The Hour