Pre-Adoption Application

Thank you for considering opening your home to an Animals in Distress cat! We will do our very best to find the right cat for you. To do so, we need your input. Please take a few moments to carefully consider and answer the questions on this application. The decision to adopt a cat is an important one. To insure that both you and your new cat(s) will be happy for years to come, we need to discuss your situation and expectations. More importantly, we must assure that our cat(s) individual needs and personalities are considered. 

In order to adopt from Animals In Distress, you must:

• Be at least 21 years of age

• Have written landlord consent or verbal consent between the landlord and Animals In Distress

• Understand that Animals In Distress has the right to deny your application for adoption 

General Information
Home Information
Family and Pet Information
What Animals Do You Currently Own?
What Animals Did You Own in the Past?
Animal Care Questions
Adoption Questions
References (3)
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